Available all over the world.

If there is a WWC card is available for immediate payment in the ATM and shops around the world.

Let your digital assets do everything your cards.


More convenient than cash

No more fumbling with cash when making purchases and say no to exchanging money when going abroad, just use your card!


Manage your money anywhere

With your WWC account, you can check your card balance and account information on the web or through your mobile phone.


Easy to get

Getting an WWC Digital Assets Debit Card is extremely easy! There is  no credit check required.


Getting money out of your Account

Withdraw money from thousands of ATMs or use your WWC Card online and in shops.


Transfer your digital assets directly to your WWC debit card anytime anywhere!


Spend it anywhere in the world.Safer than carrying cash If your card is lost or stolen, you can put a block on it and recover your money.